An inspirational children's book for families affected by Parkinson's disease 

Our mission

Starry Skies, Cosmic Shakes brings families together who are affected by Parkinson's disease through an astronaut's journey. The book aims to facilitate open conversations within families empowering them to navigate the challenges of the disease. 

Starry Skies, Cosmic Shakes is charity. The profits will flow back to the Parkinson's community! We choose to collaborate with Spinning Wheels ToursThis group of patients cycles across Canada to raise awareness about the disorder. Join us in supporting them!

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We believe that education is a global right and any patient should have access to information. Therefore, we provide the digital version of our book for free. If you like our cause, thank you for donating to allow us to give back to the Parkinson's community. 

Tine Van Bogaert

Tine is a human health engineer and currently working as a neuroscientist and PhD candidate at the Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium. Her research topic is the effect of deep brain stimulation on brain waves of deep brain structures.


Alexandra Boogers

Alexandra graduated as a neurologist at the University of Antwerp, Belgium. She obtain her PhD on the topic of deep brain stimulation at the Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium. Currently, she is a clinical and post-doctoral fellow at Toronto Western Hospital in Canada.


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